Wimbledon Theatre, The Broadway, Wimbledon, London SW19. Box Office - 0181 540 0362

General theatre information is below, see also:

How to Book

Box Office

The Box Office is open from 10.00am-8.00pm, Mondays to Saturdays. For Sunday performances the box office will open three hours prior to the performance for that performance only.


Seats booked by telephone must be paid for within four days or 30 minutes prior to the performance, whichever is the sooner. Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to Wimbledon Theatre. Please include full details of your booking and an SAE. When the box office is closed, or busy your call will transfer to Ticketmaster who charge a £1.50 handling fee per transaction, but no booking fee.

Access or Visa

We add a £1 handling charge per transaction for Access and Visa bookings. 50p postage is also added if your request tickets to be sent to you.

Ticket Exchange or Refund

We regret tickets cannot be exchanged or money refunded. We will accept tickets for re-sale, subject to a 30p handling charge, only after all of the theatre's tickets for that performance have been sold.

Facilities for the Disabled

Street level wheelchair access is available via the side doors in Russell Road. There is a wheelchair lift into the Stalls and special toilet facilities are available. For the hearing impaired there is an induction loop in the theatre. Please switch hearing aids to the 'T' position. For the sight impaired, guide gogs are allowed in the auditorium. When making your booking please inform the box office of your requirements.


Interval drinks can be ordered prior to performances. The Circle bar usually remains open after the show until 11.00pm.

Supporting the Theatre

Wimbledon Theatre receives no subsidy towards its running costs. Consequently we are appealing to the public and business community to support us in our endeavors to establish a Production Fund.

This fund will enable us to choose from a wider range of top level productions which would otherwise be unavailable to us. In addition monies will be used to carry out vital renovation work.

How you can Help

By either completing a Deed of Covenant or making a direct donation to: Wimbledon Theatre Community Trust (Charity Reg No. 1015786). For further details please write in or telephone Mr Gordon Stratford on 0181 544 9573.

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